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Scouting for Food Door Hangers Here!!

Yucca Council Leaders:

Please consider nominating a worthy individual for the highest award in Scouting conferred by a Council – The Silver Beaver Award.  And, please forward this note widely, sending it to anyone in your district who you think might be willing to prepare a nomination package for a deserving volunteer.  You can find a fillable pdf Silver Beaver nomination form at https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/92-103.pdf


Selection to receive the Silver Beaver Award is a great honor for any volunteer Scouter, and is very competitive given the large number of dedicated volunteers, the number of nomination packages typically received, and the limited number of awards allowed for Yucca Council in a given year.  Any volunteer you would like to nominate can and should be nominated and any volunteer is eligible to nominate another, just recognize that Yucca Council has a very limited number of awards that can be conferred, so the process for determining who receives the award in any year is highly selective.


Here are some suggestions for writing a competitive package:

  • The nomination should be kept as confidential as possible; the candidate should not be made aware of a nomination. While this can make gathering data a challenge, there are several for sources of information, including fellow Scouters, co-workers, friends, family, members of organizations they belong to beside Scouting (faith-based, community service, youth groups, etc).

  • Data is available on membership, registered positions, awards, and training from the Council office; limited info of this nature is also available in my.scouting.org (Ask Abril Huerta for a Person Profile for the person you are nominating.)

  • Request a Scouting Biography (a typical format for a Scouting Bio is shown below) in order to get information on the person you wish to submit for the Silver Beaver; include the Bio with the nomination form.

  • The nomination MUST be on the official form (https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/92-103.pdf)

  • The nomination may be sent to me directly at jlibbin@nmsu.edu or to the Yucca Council Office.  It MUST be received by the deadline, which will be January 10, 2025.  Emailed, scanned nominations forms are encouraged.

  • There are three major categories on the nomination form (Service to Scouting, Service to Youth Outside Scouting, Service in the Community), and there should be information in each.

  • Focus on responsibilities, and results or outcomes, in each category.

  • Explain any terminology that might not be understood by someone of another type of unit, profession, or faith.

  • There is no minimum or maximum length, but data should be pertinent and as complete as possible.

  • Cite sources; the use of quotations is very effective when coming from an appropriate source.


Although a candidate should not be notified that they are being nominated, having them (and all adult members of the unit) prepare a Scouting Biography is one way to collect some of the information needed. A format for a biography is shown below.  Finally, a letter of nomination will help the selection committee understand the impact the nominated volunteer has had on the youth of Yucca Council.  Please send the nomination, Scouting Bio and a nomination letter to the Yucca Council office and to Jim Libbin, Chair of the Silver Beaver Selection Committee, a sub-committee of the Yucca Council Advancement Committee.




Jim Libbin

Advancement Committee Chair

Yucca Council BSA





Scouting Biography


Identifying Information

  • List name, address, phone numbers, etc Service to Scouting

  • Units:  List any units (or district or council positions) registered with, including their district and council, when registered, and for how long

  • Positions: Include information on positions served in, and any significant accomplishments

  • Training: List any training taken. Make note if you’ve served on staff for any training events

  • Awards: List any BSA awards or recognition, including awards received as a youth


Service to Youth Outside Scouting

  • List any non-Scouting organizations that provide service to youth. Include the position in the organization and year(s) of involvement


Service in the Community

  • List any non-youth organizations you’ve been involved with. Include the position in the organization and year(s) of involvement


Profession, Hobbies, and Other Talents, Skills, and Interests

  • List any other information that may be of use to the unit in putting you to work!

  • Include any professions you’ve worked in, any hobbies you might have, and any other talents, skills, or interests that might be helpful to Scouting or youth in Scouting

Important changes to the Cub Scout program

It’s official!  The Cub Scout program will be updated for the 2024-25 program year.  Over the past several years the National Cub Scouting Committee under the leadership of past chair Lisa Wylie and current chair Audrey Oakes has identified four areas to improve the Cub Scout program to ensure that it is fun, simple, and easy.

Over the past five years the National Cub Scouting has been working on these updates.  These updates are based on feedback from over 23,000 parents and Cub Scout leaders through various surveys and data.  Listening to and identify the key opportunities to improve the program the National Cub Scout committee is excited to finally reveal these improvements.  Over the past year these improvements have been socialized to thousands of individuals with overwhelming support.

Video made by Mike Guerra 

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New Annual Membership Fee Process Announced – BSA Will No Longer Prorate Fees for New Members beginning August 1, 2023


Beginning August 1, 2023, all new youth and adult members who join Scouting will be enrolled in a 12- month membership cycle and BSA will cease prorating fees. Both youth and adults will pay the full annual membership fee and will renew their membership on the anniversary date of joining Scouting (those who registered prior to August 2023 will renew on their usual expiration, in most cases December).


All proration of membership fees will be eliminated. Each registered member of the BSA will receive an email notice with a registration renewal link beginning 60 days before the anniversary month they joined Scouting. Unit leaders will receive a copy of the email and should stay engaged in the membership renewal process just like rechartering.  

Support Scouting
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Our mission is to prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Law.  With your help, we are able to provide mountain top experiences to all youth in the Border Region.  Click the link below to learn more about how you can make an impact on the leaders of tomorrow!

Outdoor Adventure

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Outdoor adventure is the promise made to young people when they join Scouting.  Boys and girls yearn for outdoor programs that stir their imagination and interest.  

The Yucca Council is proud to offer 2 exclusive camping facilities in Southern New Mexico, where Scouts can get outdoors and find adventure!


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For more than 35 years, Trail's End has partnered with the Boy Scouts of America to help deliver the promise of Scouting. Popcorn sales help our units fund their adventure and teach Scouts salesmanship, planning, budgeting and so much more. Click the link below to learn more about how selling popcorn can help your unit!


Thank You Sponsors!

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7601 Lockheed Drive, 

El Paso, TX 79925

Tel: 915-772-2292

Monday-Friday: 10am-2pm

Saturday & Sunday Closed

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